From the womb of darkness to the silver screen


At the dawn of time, within the vast expanse of the universe, the narrative of humanity began to unfold. An all-encompassing darkness prevailed, a void where existence itself had yet to be defined. Formless and devoid of sensation, this darkness was an enigma, silent and still, without echo or resonance. In this abyss, neither sentiment nor language had taken shape. The passage of countless eons remained a mystery, known only to the divine. Emerging from the depths of an eternal night, a solitary spark ignited, heralding the birth of light. This nascent glow gave rise to flames, from which a single drop emerged. And from this droplet, water was born, bringing forth the genesis of sound. With sound came its echo, resonating through the formless void. Time immeasurable swept by, a procession of nameless ages, until life itself emerged within the cosmos, giving rise to a myriad of beings and creations. In the grand tapestry of existence, animals first roamed the nascent universe, paving the way for humanity's arrival. With the advent of humans, a saga began, unparalleled and unique — this human epic. No narrative has ever eclipsed the grandeur of this human scripture, nor is it likely one ever will. This saga has been vibrantly brought to life on the silver screens of cinemas, encapsulated within the span of two to two and a half hours of crafted virtuality. The cinematic portrayal of human vivacity, a rich tapestry of imagination, stands as the pinnacle of art forms, ceaselessly drawing humans into its embrace through the ages. It beckons us to ponder the philosophical depths of this extraordinary manifestation. Human existence and cinema are mirrors of each other, reflecting the myriad facets of the soul. Be it the virtuous or the vile, the divine or the detached, the dynamic or the stoic, the compassionate or the cruel — each soul casts a human in its image. This interplay forms the third dimension of the soul-human continuum. Cinema, as an art form, embodies these expressions of the soul, mirroring life itself. In this reflection, we find films of every caliber: the sublime and the subpar, the masterpieces and the mundane, the triumphs and the trials. Each film, like each human, is a unique reflection of the soul's narrative. Cinema, much like the human experience, is not a monolith but a prism reflecting a multitude of perspectives. Consider the art of cooking: no two meals are identical, each day brings a new flavor, a subtle variance in taste. Similarly, films are akin to a game of cricket—unpredictable and ever-changing. No one can predict with certainty the outcome. This is the multidimensional nature of life and cinema intertwined. The philosophy of film lies in its ability to document the human condition, capturing the essence of our existence in a way that is nothing short of a profound philosophy.

Written by Yogesh Bhatt, India

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